We are about the love and history of music. Although citing genres helps us communicate about music, we are intrigued by music that blurs the lines and is hard to categorize. We also believe that a vibrant local music scene adds to the culture of a region. Stop by our store at 120 Main Street in Putney, Vermont, just 8 miles north of Brattleboro. We pride ourselves on creating a diverse inventory comprised mostly of rescued vinyl. You will find everything from $1 records to rare collectibles. We also have new vinyl, cds, t-shirts, turntables, vinyl cleaning accessories, frames to display your favorite jackets and books. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram
https://www.facebook.com/NextChapterRecords Instagram at next_chapter_records Store Hours
Sunday-Open By Appointment (call 603-723-4736) Monday-Closed Tuesday-Closed Wednesday-12PM to 2 PM Thursday-10 AM to 5 PM Friday-10 AM to 5 PM Saturday-10 AM to 5 PM On-line Storehttps://www.discogs.com/seller/Next-Chapter-Records
Note: There are items in-store that do not get listed on our Discogs store. Also, on average items listed on Discogs are priced at least 5% higher versus in-store pricing to partially cover on-line fees. Flea Market, Wilmington, VermontOn Sundays and holidays from late spring into the fall look for us at the Wilmington, Vermont flea market on Route 9, west of Brattleboro.